Adventures in Educational Experience Design

Jaymes Dec's Teaching Portal

If you wanted to design a better education system, how would you articulate the design challenge?

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The first step in the design process is to define your challenge. If you can’t articulate your challenge clearly or, even worse, if you misidentify your challenge, you’ll never succeed in finding a solution.

So if we want to “fix” our educational system, we need to focus together on designing a solution to the right challenge. We need to be able rally behind one clear and well-reasoned, bold but achievable, design challenge.

Here is one suggestion I came up with:

  • How might we create and popularize a global, open-source, K-12 curriculum based on designing, making, experimentation and self-directed learning?

I’m afraid that’s not quite the right challenge though. Are create and popularize the right verbs? Are those descriptive nouns all necessary? Is that a comprehensive list? Probably not.

I’d like to start a dialogue towards defining the appropriate design challenge.

What are your suggestions for a one or two sentence design challenge that we can all tackle together?

Written by jaymesdec

June 7th, 2011 at 7:51 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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